Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Diary of a GOMCO intern....

Just another ordinary morning, you wake up and look at the calendar, which declares, its 20th of June, 2006…6 months into internship @ GOMCO, Patiala! 5 years of medical college!
The first thought that comes to ur mind is, “time flies!”
And then it strikes u, that it’s just a few more months left before u become an “ex-GOMCOite”!
And then suddenly everything that you did in 5 long years dawns on u like a Hindi movie flashback scene….

An 84 kilo nerd on his red colored hybrid scooty cum bike “jahaaj”, wearing an overall which he removed only after he was safely back home, this guy who entered the college was definitely not the one who is writing this post!
He understood the system as soon as the first few 'Half-words' were out of the mouth of Dr. Gurbachan Singh in the dissection hall…Then for the next one year, he shared his life’s entire quota of jokes and PJs on the dissection table…This was helped by the fact that for a major part of the year, someone called dr bhatti was the table demonstrator. This also meant that anything, apart from dissection was possible in the DH !!
Not much time had passed, when this geek discovered that 45/100 marks in class tests at GOMCO felt surprisingly better than any 45/50 he got in class 12th!

There was no looking back..he explored every dimension of life… pulse, stimulus, euphoria, this guy missed no fest. Birthday parties, Secret crushes, not-so-secret crushes :P, sms chats and sms sting operations (u wont know this unless u have been a victim), and yes, being there in the reading room for all the reasons except studying :P life was indeed very rosy!

Even the things that were hard to bear at that time, are sweet to remember now…Being late for classes, to being shunted out of classes for “wooden floor jugalbandi” in second proff lecture theatre…
And then came those sessions of dip, the time when we realize that we are doomed because the exams are dangerously close! Out came the photostat notes, the cups of coffee...To sum it up, the nerd who entered GOMCO had transformed into a last minute mugger...

From true definition of “hooting” in the class of someone who taught us culture media (no prizes for guessing who!) , to Dr Locham’s lectures in final proff, where any sound between 20 to 20,000 hertz could have been detected and converted into a suppli…GOMCO provided him everything...
Be it reviving Spectrum after 13 long years, or the youth for equality movement, he was active in everything. The product was a guy who was a total alter ego of the nerd who entered this college 5 years ago!

Maybe this is only my story…maybe somewhere down the line it becomes the story of every GOMCOite pass out...its just that today I realize, the COUNTDOWN has begun….
I've learned that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures can never replace being there, memories forget the hard times, and words can never replace feelings.....you can just take care of your memories for you cannot relive them!


Hemkiran Singh said...

good job sir ji !

Damanpreet singh said...

Wondeful post sir..very well written..

Deepinder Singh said...

In the end left with "khatti meethi yaadein" as our Dean Sir Puts it.. Nicely penned...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

heena said...
