Monday, January 28, 2008

Chickenpox diaries

There were a lot of reasons for me getting back to my blog today, and getting chickenpox was just one of them.
The bird flu in bengal was one. I do plan to write a blog post on it some time later (lets just say i am too bored of avian influenza to write ANOTHER post so soon).
I did wait for norovirus to do something in Britain, but it disappointed me when it turned out to be "an epidemic that wasn't" (a rather nice expression to describe the paranoia we associate with new viruses).
What chicken pox gave me, was enough time, to sit down and pen my thoughts...

Chicken pox is a disease which truly strikes with stealth. Before you know that a person has chickenpox, or for that fact, even the person who has it, knows that he has... you can get infected. In simpler words, chicken pox is most infective in the prodromal stage (before the blisters have appeared). And thats how i got infected...from a co-worker who had no idea! So when he came back from his "chickenpox vacation", i proceeded on one...keeping with the tradition that at least one 1st year resident must be present in the wards at any time...
Sarcasm apart, chicken pox not a very pleasant disease to have (even when bundled with a week of vacations).
With blisters on your scalp, you hardly get any comfortable sleep.
Fever and chills with malaise which feels something like having been beaten up by six persons at once (sounds like a much better option than having chicken pox)
The itching is severe... and itching is forbidden.. so it itches even more... Its something like the itch on your bum when you are on a date. It ends up occupying your mind, whatever you do...

One good thing about chickenpox is that it gives you plenty of time with yourself. You can read your novels, write a blog post, open a messenger and bug some old friends, fiddle with your rusty demat account and try your hand at some day trading, read the whole hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and then watch the movie too, watch the boring Adelaide test, take cetrizine TDS and sleep through the day...i used all the options when i got tired of the last one.

Excess of free time is perhaps more boring than the lack of free time. Even boredom has got enough time to settle and weigh you down. You want to get back to the hospital.. but all you can do is wait...

They say, "time is a great healer"... i agree wholeheartedly.

1 comment:

Atulaniya said...

"The itching is severe... and itching is forbidden.. so it itches even more.."
yeah i know :|

take care and get well soon dude :)

~~ Jagesh Purohit