Sunday, April 18, 2010


My room looks like this these days (this is the place where i sleep! i'm not even talking about the study area as yet! hehe).... Well, I'm having exams after 3 years!
...3 eventful years, i must add. Residency has been a dynamic time.
With a wonderful surgeon like Dr. DP Singh as my teacher and guide, I had a really nice time working as a junior resident.
As of now, we have been freed from OPD and ward duties, and its time to hit the books. I'm almost nostalgic, as the last time i studied like this was during my PG entrance days!
Dangerously underprepared, as i am, I am reminded of Douglas Adams' "DON'T PANIC" written in large friendly letters on the cover of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. Perhaps the most useful two words ever written for an exam going resident ;)
I have a long list of "TO-DOs" after my exams, from going to a gym 10 minutes walk from my place, to visiting the Pangong lake in Ladakh. Exams are always a nice time to find out what you long for, deep inside your heart :)
Tilll then, its over to Schwartz' Principles of Surgery. And yes, did i mention "DON'T PANIC"? :)

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